Botanical Name: Taraxacum Officinal
Common Name: Pee in the bed, lion’s teeth, fairy clock
Family Name: Compositae/Asteraceae
Plant Parts Used: Whole part OR fresh or dried root or leaf
Constitution: Cold and wet
Taste: Bitter
Key Actions: Diuretic, alterative, detoxifying, bitter, cholagogue, anti-rheumatic, laxative, anti-bilious, hepatic, aperient, tonic
Plant Preparations: Tonic salad, pills, decoction, tincture, decoction, infusion, juice, wine
Cautionary Pearls: This herb is very bitter.
Self-Help Uses: Acne & boils, constipation, detoxification for hangover, fluid retention, nettle rash and anemia
Related Species: Pu Gong Ying (T. mongolicum) is used to “clear heat” and relieve toxicity, especially of the liver.
References (Books/Author/Page)-
- Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine/Andrew Chevallier/Pg. 141
- The Way of Herbs/Michael Tierra/Pg. 127-128
- The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal/David Hoffman/Pg. 151
- The New Age Herbalist/Richard Mabey/Pg. 52