Botanical Name: Plantago major
Common Name: Englishman’s foot, ribwort, greater plantain, waybread, ripple grass, broad-leaved plantain, ribbed grass, snakeweed, white man’s foot, cuckoo’s bread, common plantain, lance-leaf plantain
Family Name: Plantaginaceae
Plant Parts Used: Fresh mature leaves, flowering spikes, root, seeds
Constitution: Cool and wet
Taste: Bitter
Key Actions: Cooling alterative, depurant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, aperient, emollient, expectorant, mildly astringent, refrigerant, deobstruent, anti-septic, vulnerary, anti-venomous, styptic, anti-syphilitic, anthelmintic (vermicide)
Plant Preparations: Infusion, fluid extract, powder, tincture, ointment
Cautionary Pearls: This herb is very bitter. Also, this herb very invasive so plant it in an area that you do not mind seeing it grow out of your control.
Self-Help Uses: Allergic rhinitis with mucus, diarrhea, poisonous bites & stings, boils, carbuncles, tumors, inflammation, scrofula, eczema, thrush, blood poisoning, malignant & bleeding ulcers, bleeding of minor wounds, diarrhea, piles, cuts & scratches, erysipelas, leucorrhea, lumbago, urinary tract infection, hepatitis, bedwetting, syphilis, dropsy, toothache, worms, running sores, ringworm, mastitis, poison ivy, bruises.
References (Books/Author/Page)-
- Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine/Andrew Chevallier/Pg. 250-251
- The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal/David Hoffman/Pg. 125
- The Way of Herbs/Michael Tierra/Pg. 179-180
- School of Natural Healing/Dr. John R. Christopher/Pg. 52-56